
For many years, telemedicine has been utilized to provide healthcare services to patients located far away. Telemedicine enhances patient access and enables doctors and healthcare institutions to extend their reach, regardless of distance. With the uneven distribution of healthcare facilities worldwide, in both rural and urban areas, telemedicine offers a distinct advantage in reaching millions of underserved patients.

ReTech Solutions

Coonect2dr’s is a software designed as an open architecture engine for real-time streaming and remote viewing of raw and interpreted clinical data, vital signs, medical images, and more.

The S/W interconnect framework connects doctors, patients, and the equipment remotely over the Internet eliminating the computing complexity to backend systems thereby reducing cost at the client end.

Secure access to patient medical data from anywhere enables remote consultation and second opinions easier.


• Software framework connecting remote doctors, specialist doctors and equipments
• Server, Browser based
• Standards based (DICOM / HL7)
• Scalable Architecture
• Secure access to patient medical data from anywhere enabling remote consultation and second opinion
• Fully integrated EMR
• Optimal usage and minimum  of Bandwidth, hardware and devices
• Works on both Off line and Online
• Scheduling facility to enable smooth tele-consultations across the network
• MIS for administrators to collect statistics of tele-consultation and Opinion
• Menu driven software
• Online help

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